The 750 Club: Bench-Squat-Clean

Many high school and college strength and conditioning programs test the squat, bench press, and clean to evaluate muscular strength and power. These exercises may also form the foundational lifts of the strength training program given that they are compound, large muscle group movements. In terms of testing and assessment, the one-rep max (1-RM) of […]
The Evolution of the Lifting Platform

By Joe Eisenmann, PhD The days of the above ground weightlifting platform may be a thing of the past. More and more high schools, colleges, and professional strength and conditioning facilities who are either building a new facility or renovating an existing facility are going away from the traditional above ground lifting platform and […]
Training Considerations for Improving Muscular Strength: Q&A with Dr. Tim Suchomel

Muscular strength and power are critical for athletic performance, and most, if not all, coaches recognize the importance of resistance training in the overall program. However, this also leaves the question – what is the best way to train my athletes? This certainly opens a big can of worms that can take several directions including […]
Cord-Loaded Olympic Lifting: Suggestions and Key Points for Strength and Conditioning Coaches

By Dan Hutchison, MS, ATC, CSCS Olympic weight lifting has been utilized in most resistance training venues catering towards improvements in athletic performance. Often referred to as the most sophisticated and technical resistance training exercises, Olympic weight lifting tends to be assigned to athletes with many years of resistance training experience who are under the […]