Train the Hips (Part II)

In a previous blog the importance of strengthening and mobilizing the hip joint using the Perform-X Hip-X Machine. Although this is a great piece of equipment, not every program can afford it or may only be able to afford one or two – not 16 of them like the University of Michigan Football program! With […]
Train the Hips for Better Movement

How many coaches have you heard say, “He/she really doesn’t have ‘good hips’. He/she just doesn’t move well”. If you have been around coaches, then you have probably heard this statement. The hip joint (also called the hip girdle or pelvic girdle) is arguably one of the most important joints in the human body. It […]
3 Optimal Devices for Running Speed Improvement

By Dan Hutchison, MS, ATC, CSCS There will most likely never be a magic pill or potion that miraculously makes humans rich, good-looking, athletic, thin, or famous. But, can there be a magic ‘tool’ to make humans run faster? Most likely NOT, but the question has been contemplated since the first Olympic Games in […]