years of intense product development alongside athletes and coaches
Limits Were Meant to be Pushed
Ready to upgrade your current space into a high performance center? Learn how to transform your existing racks, platforms and wall area in to a high performance and multi functional training space. Perform-X cords are fully intergratable and cost effective.
Are you building a new facility or completely redesigning your current training area? We offer full custom design and equipment for your entire space from the floor up. We go beyond selling equipment, we customize the flow of every design to fit your athlete’s needs.
Power & Force
Speed & Agility
Muscle Control
Risk of Injury
Variable resistance can now be accurately adjusted and tracked with our custom load charts
Every product is fully adjustable, making it a perfect fit for all ability levels
Easily integrates with existing equipment, transforming your space to a multi-functional training center
years of intense product development alongside athletes and coaches
years experience in performance training industry
Squat & Bench
High Performance
The Perform-X wall Trak system has allowed us to make our movement training more ‘sport-specific'.
of intense product development alongside athletes and coaches
experience in the performance training industry
Variable resistance can now be accurately adjusted and tracked with our custom load charts
Every product is fully adjustable, making it a perfect fit for all ability levels
Easily integrates with existing equipment, transforming your space to a multi-functional training center