The Platform: Beyond Weightlifting – the Integration of Plyometrics and Variable Resistance Loading
The lifting platform, like the rack, is a staple in most weight rooms. The platform provides a dedicated space for the deadlift and the Olympic weightlifting movements (clean, jerk press, and snatch) and their derivatives (clean high pull, jump shrug, etc.). These platforms are often above ground but more recently facilities have begun installing inlaid […]
Basketball Conditioning: Upper Body Strength Applications Before, During and After Practice
By Dan Hutchison, MS, ATC, CSCS Upper body strength for basketball athletes is essential for power and endurance applications on the court. All aspects of the front, back and lateral shoulder complex are involved in offense (shooting, passing, dribbling) and defense (rebounding, post moves, defensive position, blocking shots) situations. At the developmental level (i.e., high […]
3 Optimal Devices for Running Speed Improvement
By Dan Hutchison, MS, ATC, CSCS There will most likely never be a magic pill or potion that miraculously makes humans rich, good-looking, athletic, thin, or famous. But, can there be a magic ‘tool’ to make humans run faster? Most likely NOT, but the question has been contemplated since the first Olympic Games in […]
Cord-Loaded Olympic Lifting: Suggestions and Key Points for Strength and Conditioning Coaches
By Dan Hutchison, MS, ATC, CSCS Olympic weight lifting has been utilized in most resistance training venues catering towards improvements in athletic performance. Often referred to as the most sophisticated and technical resistance training exercises, Olympic weight lifting tends to be assigned to athletes with many years of resistance training experience who are under the […]
Cord-Loaded Deadlifts using The Trak-X™ System
By Dan Hutchison, MS, ATC, CSCS The Deadlift is one of the most implemented weight lifting movements for improving strength and power. The muscle groups of the low back, glutes, and hamstrings, commonly known as the ‘posterior chain’, have numerous effects on the majority of athletic movements and are deemed key training areas for […]
Using Variable Resistance for the Bench Press
By Dan Hutchison, MS, ATC, CSCS In relation to the previous performance blog post on variable resistance and the squat, the bench press movement is probably the second most popular exercise in the strength and conditioning field. Optimal development of upper body strength is dependent on high force production using pushing movements, and many will […]
Using Variable Resistance for the Squat
The squat is a popular strength training exercise in the athletic community. With the right technique and practice, this exercise helps athletes develop their lower body strength. To optimize the development of this strength and turn it into power, coaches should use variable resistance cords attached to the frame of the rack and the bar.In this article, Dan Hutchison, MS, […]
Why you should train with Lift-X Strength Cords
We all agree that muscular strength and power are critical for athletic performance. And most strength and conditioning programs utilize the squat, deadlift, bench press, and clean as the cornerstone exercises or “staples”. And depending on training experience, program design and attendance, athletes will become stronger performing these barbell exercises. Although the loaded barbell is […]